The Progression of the 3D Printing Movement Continues!

“3D printing is already shaking our age-old notions of what can and can’t be made.”

-Hod Lipson

3D printing was once thought to be a restricted platform only used for professionals and industrial prototyping but, it’s now affordable, sustainable, and has an abundance of free 3D modeling software available to anyone. With the 3D printing industry expanding, we can see home 3D printer usage growing more and more, due to factors such as affordability and ease of use. With the rise of owning a 3D printer, this gives everyone the power to create objects in the comfort of their home. 3D Printing has become a wonderful tool for people who are creative and want to produce from their imagination, to sell their creations, or even for people who want to reproduce objects that are no longer for sale or discontinued.


In our current age you can find 3D Printers that can produce functional parts and print them in full-color. There are so many materials you can now print with such as: plastics, ceramics, metals, rubber, and even chocolate. As new materials continue to be discovered, there is no telling where 3D printing can take us. Many new ideas have been created as the progression of the 3D printing movement continues.



3D Printing has moved into some of our major applications and already changed how companies will continue to work. We can find 3D printing integrated into product development, where products are being produced at a faster rate and has become more cost-effective due to 3D printing. 3D printing is also used in fields such as in architecture, where in the beginning stages of the design can be evaluated, communicated, and displayed, making visualizing the striking design easier. We have even seen the medical field utilizing 3D printing to aid patients with printing out models to help with informing about the procedure, giving them a chance to see and touch.



The possibilities are endless with the rise of 3D printing continues. The Mantis 3D printer greatest feature is “it’s as simple as a your 2D paper printer”. There is so much you can do with the Mantis 3D printer. Printing fun and functional designs and widgets is painless thanks to the Mantis’s design and innovation. There’s no better time than now to begin a journey into 3D printing. Curious? Check out the images below showcasing just a small sampling of what you could print with the Mantis.


3D Printed Project Inspiration